Help, 2! Crop Rotation To Produce The New Rich Rice Farmer, To Help Him Raise Rice Right!

After noting that PhilRice is not into Cover Cropping as one of its recommendations for Filipino farmers – see my 30 Aug 2024 article, “Help, 1! Cover Crops To Produce The New Rich Rice Farmer, To Help Him Raise Rice Right!” Regenerative Agriculture, – I’m glad PhilRice is into Crop Rotation, as I see this practice as one of the 13 Regenerative  Agriculture (RA) practices that can help rice farmers grow themselves out of poverty! (Because the PH government is not trying to do that or is silent on zeroing the poverty numbers of Filipino farmers! (I don’t know why – and I’m not going to wait for explanations; I am doing what I can as a writer who happens to be an agriculturist and much bothered about the millions of poor Filipino farmers!

(image from m13educators)

Wikipedia says (

Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area across a sequence of growing seasons. This practice reduces the reliance of crops on one set of nutrients, pest and weed pressure, along with the probability of developing resistant pests and weeds.


IRRI says about its long-term study (

The rice-upland crop rotation experiment started at IRRI in 1993 to look into the sustainability of double cropping systems.., creating an alternately aerobic-anaerobic soil conditions for maize-rice, and continuously anaerobic for rice-rice systems. There are two cropping seasons (i) dry season (January-April) and (ii) wet season (June-October). Soil analyses indicated a strong effect of crop rotation on total soil carbon and nitrogen. Consequently, it evolved into looking at sustainability (in) these double cropping systems, with and without tillage, in the presence and absence of crop residues. Now, it serves as a field laboratory for providing answers to the potential challenges that these systems may create in the long term.

The crop rotation study started in 1993, or 31 years ago – and the above unclear statement is all that IRRI is saying about the results!? Nothing about advantage/s to the farmer?

The PhilRice Web Team says, “Dr Aurora M Corales, supervising science research specialist based at…PhilRice said ‘that synchronous planting and crop rotation could help minimize pest and disease occurrences…’” Nothing said about minimizing costs and thereby maximizing returns from farming!

“Crop rotation is the cheapest and most effective way to improve crop yields and soil fertility,” say Boris Boincean & David Dent (01 Sept 2019, Farming The Black Earth, So! Don’t the scientists of IRRI, PhilRice, and UP Los Baños know that?! If they don’t, there is much work for them to do! I note that PhilRice is 39 years old, IRRI is 64 years old, and UPLB is 116 years old. Yet. not a single one of their scientists and experts can claim they have helped a single farmer improve his standard of living, from poor to rich, relying on his blood, sweat and tears.

Help! Help IRRI and PhilRice and UPLB help the farmers rise from poverty and stay up there!@517


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